Walkthrough created by our in-house design team for our Malden Catholic High School Academic and Athletic Facility project.

Seamless Process Delivering Time and Cost Savings

At Timberline, we understand that efficient project delivery and attention to detail are vital to any project’s success. Our dynamic in-house team of registered architects, interior designers and multiple drafters work seamlessly with the rest of the Timberline team to offer exceptional design-build services tailored to your project needs.

This unified approach leverages our team’s diverse expertise, providing our clients with unmatched flexibility, efficiency, cost-effective project delivery and guidance from the earliest stages of master planning. We provide scalable solutions for your upcoming project from full-scale design-build to design assistance. Both will streamline the process for faster project delivery and enhanced cost savings.

By choosing Timberline, you benefit from a design-build process that offers a singular point of accountability. The team handles everything from concept development and planning to construction and final execution, ensuring a cohesive journey from start to finish.

With our design-build services, you’ll experience exceptional results from our skilled in-house team, delivering the quality, efficiency, and budget accuracy you expect.

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